Saturday, September 9, 2006

Jackson Stubbs

The mystery behind the madness of the blog URL, Jackson Stubbs is our dog. He's a 75 lb. Lab, mixed with Akita and a little Shar pei. When, my now husband, Jay and I went to pick him out, our friend Lauren, owner of his mama Emma Bean, told us his name was Stubbs. This was because Ms Emma had stepped on the end of his tail as a baby and pinched off the tip, so it's shorter than most. As we couldn't deny his history, we kept it as his middle name, and named him Jackson Stubbs Brinson, after one of the greats Michael Jackson. Jackson does wimper alot and is scared of cats; however, he doesn't quite have the yell down and he doesn't really like little boys.

This was Jackson as a pup.


Jay said...

Wow! What a great blog, that's the cutest dog I've ever seen - and such a cool name. You must have an awesome husband!

Jamaila said...

He's sooooo cute!

Jamaila said...
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