Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Turkey Day

Here's a Holiday greeting my father-in-law was passing around, just thought I would share. Hope everyone had a Happy Turkey Day!

Scottsdale, AZ

I joined my hubby on his business trip to Arizona this week. I wish we got to get around more (ie. Grand Canyon), but mostly I went because he said we could get free golf. I never thought desert land would have such great golf. Now I know why everyone raves about how wonderful it is to play out there.

This is the front nine facing our Resort.

Saturday, November 25, 2006


I used to collect everything back in the day, from mylar ballons, to banks, even dolls, but the easiest collection to transport back to Batimore was my pen collection. Here is one of them, but I'll bring them all into class next week. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Don't forget about the Kitties and Doggies this year. This is the process on how do make a home made present for the ani-muls. Mmmmmm, they're going to be so happy!

Sasha Baron Cohen Sweeps the Nation

Ali G's page of translation
If you ever wanted to speak some Ali G here's your chance.

Borat is getting sued -- read more at this link.
'Do not let a woman EVER, ever, make you who you are.'

I think it's great to be able to laugh at the ignorance around the world, Sasha Baron Cohen's sense of humor not only makes you laugh hysterically, but his humor brings new light to many touchy subjects that people often choose to ignore (as if they don't still exist).

Friday, November 10, 2006

Categorization Lancome

Lancome promotes that everyone should have Soleil Ultra Sun Care in their bag while highlighting other products they sell throughout categories.

It takes a little while to arrive at the main idea of the ad, but overall good use of categories to highlight many products at one time.

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Categorization of Climbing

Substrate categorization
penetrable surface deformable grab-on features
hard & smoothmachinable

Click on any of the images to see more.

Face Categorization using SIFT

We view face recognition problem as object class recognition problem. Different pople are considered different object categories. In this project, the SIFT features are integrated into a bag-of-words representation of face images. This method achieves some preliminary promising results, which can be used as the first step for face recognition problem, and be further improved by considering spatial relations between features.face

Click on photos for details about research.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Cause & Effect

Pressure is not a great feeling and using it here to evoke a persons self-will to push back and say no to drugs is a great campaign idea.

In addition has a great interactive site to continue with their message.